
[考研资料] 【外刊精读】查尔斯继位英国国王(上)









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发表于 2022-9-19 10:38:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Long an Uneasy Prince, King Charles III Takes On a Role He Was Born To

Charles, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II and a man born to be king, acceded to the throne on Thursday after being the designated successor for longer than anyone in the history of the British monarchy. As King Charles III, he will become sovereign of the world’s most important constitutional monarchy, head of the most storied royal family, and a symbol of continuity in a storm-tossed country.

Having aged from an awkward, self-doubting young man into an unhappy middle-aged husband, Charles has become, at 73, a self-assured, gray-haired eminence, steeped in causes like climate change and environmental protection, which were once quirky but now seem peculiarly in sync with the times.

Whether Charles will ever enjoy the respect or affection showered on his mother is another question. Thrust on to the throne at 25, Elizabeth reigned for longer than most Britons have been alive, anchoring her country with stoic dignity as it made a turbulent passage from globe-spanning empire to reluctant member of the European Union to an uncertain future after Brexit.

Charles’s journey was, perhaps inevitably, less acclaimed. His foibles and frustrations were mercilessly dissected by the news media; his pet hobbies, from architecture criticism to organic farming, were frequently mocked; his marriage to Diana, Princess of Wales, which crumbled amid lurid tabloid headlines and mutual charges of infidelity, remains for many the defining event of his public life.

At the nadir of Charles’s public life, in the mid-1990s, some critics went so far as to say that the scandal-scarred heir had forfeited the right to be king and that the crown should skip a generation, going to his elder son, Prince William, who was untarnished by public blemishes.

Nothing, of course, compared to his marriage to Diana. The seamy tabloid stories, the tell-all TV interviews(“There were three of us in this marriage,” Diana said to the BBC, referring to her husband and Camilla Parker-Bowles, whom he later married), the bitter divorce and Diana’s death in a car crash in Paris in 1997— all of it crystallized the image held by many of Charles as an oafish cad and his family as unfeeling in-laws.

From 1991 to 1996, the percentage of people who said they thought Charles would make a good king plunged to 41 percent from 82 percent, according to the polling firm MORI. But Diana’s death proved a turning point: Charles worked with Tony Blair, the prime minister at the time, to nudge his mother into honoring Diana’s memory, amid a national outpouring of grief, and then set about rehabilitating his own image.

He has mostly succeeded. Few Britons now recoil at the prospect of King Charles III, even if he sometimes seems more a fuddy-duddy unclethan a national patriarch

第一段:Charles, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II and a man born to be king, acceded to the throne on Thursday after being the designated successor for longer than anyone in the history of the British monarchy. As King Charles III, he will become sovereign of the world’s most important constitutional monarchy, head of the most storied royal family, and a symbol of continuity in a storm-tossed country.



1. accede to the throne:登基,固定表达,例如,“At present, a male royal heir would always accede to the throne ahead of an older sister.目前,男性王室成员相对于他的姐姐拥有对王位的优先继承权。”

2. Designated:指定的,命中注定的,例如,“Fifth, improve self-protection, do not believe the words of a stranger, not with a stranger to its designated location.第五,提高自我保护,不要相信陌生人的话,而不是一个陌生人到其指定的位置。”

3.constitutional monarchy:君主立宪制,例如,“Constitutional monarchy, or "virtual Republican Eagle, " are compared with the autocratic monarchy system of a national system.君主立宪制,或称“虚君共和”,是相对于君主独裁制的一种国家体制。”

4. head of:外宣文本的常用词,表示某个部门、组织的最高领导人,一般不用leader,例如,“Better to start with the presidency, since no fundamental economic reform is possible without a competent head of state.从总统开始进行比较好,因为没有重大的经济改革,就不会是一个称职的国家元首。”

5. storied:广为流传的;有名的;众所周知的,例如,“Mr. Buffett slammed the door on one opportunity after another during the most harrowing stretch of his storied career.过去那段日子在他赫赫有名的职业生涯中实属艰难,他拒绝了一个又一个机会。”

6.storm-tossed:在暴风雨中飘摇的;遭暴风雨损坏的,可像原文一样使用其抽象引申义,例如,“Both America and Britain in particular could see some fairly storm-tossed politics.尤其是英美两国的政治将会在风暴中经历动荡。”

第二段:Having aged from an awkward, self-doubting young man into an unhappy middle-aged husband, Charles has become, at 73, a self-assured, gray-haired eminence, steeped in causes like climate change and environmental protection, which were once quirky but now seem peculiarly in sync with the times.



1. self-assured:自信的;胸有成竹的,相当于“self-confident”,例如,“The self-assured may appear to be doing better than they are and will have fewer qualms about badgering for a pay rise.自信的人会看起来比实际做得更好,并且在要求涨工资时更理直气壮。”

2. eminence:显赫;鼎鼎大名;受尊敬的人,例如,“It had never occurred to me that a guy of my eminence and stature was ever required to give a proof of anything he said or did.我从来就没想到过,有人居然会要像我这样显赫、这样块头的家伙对自己的言行拿出证据来。”

3. steep in:沉湎于、专注于,浸泡于,例如,“My parents made an especial effort to steep my sibling and me in a wide range of cultural and educational influences from a very young age. 我的父母特别努力让我和我的兄弟姐妹从很小的时候就受到广泛的文化和教育影响。”

http://4.in sync with the times:与时俱进,相当于“advance with the times “、”keep pace with the times “和”keep up with the times “,例如,”Emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, advance with the times, and unswervingly push forward reform and opening up! 解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,坚定不移地推进改革开放!“

第三段:Whether Charles will ever enjoy the respect or affection showered on his mother is another question. Thrust on to the throne at 25, Elizabeth reigned for longer than most Britons have been alive, anchoring her country with stoic dignity as it made a turbulent passage from globe-spanning empire to reluctant member of the European Union to an uncertain future after Brexit.


1. enjoy the respect or affection:享有盛誉或受人喜爱。

2.Thrust on to the throne:被推上王位(登基之意)。thrust on:(将东西)推给(某人);强卖给(某人),例如,“The chilly reality of the approaching enemy was suddenly thrust on them.敌人在迫近,这一令人寒心的现实突然降临到他们头上了。”

第四段:Charles’s journey was, perhaps inevitably, less acclaimed. His foibles and frustrations were mercilessly dissected by the news media; his pet hobbies, from architecture criticism to organic farming, were frequently mocked; his marriage to Diana, Princess of Wales, which crumbled amid lurid tabloid headlines and mutual charges of infidelity, remains for many the defining event of his public life.



1. Acclaimed:受欢迎的、受赞誉的、拥护的,例如,“Shenzhen, in Guangdong province, is often acclaimed for its pioneering spirit.广东省深圳市经常因其开拓精神而受到称赞。”

2. Crumble:崩溃,瓦解,例如,“Her hopes crumbled to nothing.她的希望落空了。”

3. charge:常考的意思有两个,一是“主管”,此时常用的搭配为“in charge of 负责;主管”,例如,“What a woman really wants is to be able to be in charge of her own life.女人真正想要的是能够主宰自己的命运。”二是“控告”,此时常用的表达为“charge sb with (a crime) 控告某人…罪”。此外,“charge”还可以表示“零钱、收费”的意思,例如,“The charge of the box lunch was nominal.午餐盒饭收费很少

4. infidelity:对婚姻不忠,例如,“I ought not to have tolerated his infidelities.我当初不应容忍他的不忠。”

5.defining event:关键性事件、决定性事件,例如,“The Big Bang is the defining event of our universe and everything in it.大爆炸是形成宇宙和一切物质的关键性事件。”

第五段:At the nadir of Charles’s public life, in the mid-1990s, some critics went so far as to say that the scandal-scarred heir had forfeited the right to be king and that the crown should skip a generation, going to his elder son, Prince William, who was untarnished by public blemishes.

参考译文:查尔斯公共生活最压抑的时候是在上世纪 90年代中期,一些批评者甚至认为,这位丑闻缠身的继承人没有资格成为英国的国王,王位应该跳过他这一代,由他的长子威廉王子继承——威廉的形象还没有被公开丑闻污损。


1. scandal-scarred:丑闻漫天的,是一个合成词。

2.untarnished:原意“失去光泽的”,常用其引申义“没有瑕疵的、未受玷污的”,是一个非常地道的英语用词,例如,“Round 1900 his repute was still untarnished.在1900年前后他的名声仍很响亮。”

第六段:Nothing, of course, compared to his marriage to Diana. The seamy tabloid stories, the tell-all TV interviews(“There were three of us in this marriage,” Diana said to the BBC, referring to her husband and Camilla Parker-Bowles, whom he later married), the bitter divorce and Diana’s death in a car crash in Paris in 1997— all of it crystallized the image held by many of Charles as an oafish cad and his family as unfeeling in-laws.

参考译文:没有什么污点能盖过他与戴安娜的婚姻丑闻。阴暗的小报故事,揭丑的电视采访(戴安娜给BBC透露称,“这段婚姻中有三个人”,也就是她的丈夫与卡米拉·帕克·鲍尔斯,两人后来结为夫妇),煎熬的离婚以及 1997年戴安娜在巴黎的车祸去世——这一切都让很多人形成了查尔斯愚蠢卑鄙的固有印象,而他一家都成为了别人眼中冷酷无情的婆家人。


1. seamy: 污秽的;肮脏丑恶的,常见的表达为“seamy side”,本意指“内侧”,引申出“阴暗面”的意思,例如,“Annie grew up in comfort knowing little of the seamy side of life.安妮在富裕安逸的环境中长大,不大知道生活的阴暗面。”

2. tell-all:非常地道的用词,意为“坦白的、倾囊相告的、提供全部信息的”,如原文。

3. bitter:本意是“苦的、极度的”,引申义为“令人痛苦的”,例如,“I felt the sting of the cold, bitter air.我感到寒风刺骨。”

4. car crash:车祸,相应的,飞机失事意为“air crash”,海难意为“ship wreck”。

5. unfeeling:漠不关心的;无情的;相当于“unsympathetic”,例如,“I don't think there's another man in all the world as unfeeling as you.像你这种不近人情的男人,世界上我想没有第二个。”

6. in-laws:姻亲;(尤指)公婆,例如,常见的表达有:


第七段:From 1991 to 1996, the percentage of people who said they thought Charles would make a good king plunged to 41 percent from 82 percent, according to the polling firm MORI. But Diana’s death proved a turning point: Charles worked with Tony Blair, the prime minister at the time, to nudge his mother into honoring Diana’s memory, amid a national outpouring of grief, and then set about rehabilitating his own image.

参考译文:根据民意调查公司 MORI 的数据,从 1991 年到 1996 年,认为查尔斯会成为好国王的人的比例从 82% 下降到 41%。 但戴安娜的死迎来了一个转折点:查尔斯与当时的首相布莱尔合作,在举国悲痛的悲伤中劝说他的母亲纪念戴安娜,然后着手恢复自己的形象。


1. plunge from A to B:从 暴跌到B,常见的表达还有“plunge to the bottom”,意为“暴跌、爆冷门”。

2. prove a turning point:成为转折点,是一个地道的表达,例如,“A horrible attack could prove a turning point for India's women这一可怕的袭击事件或将成为印度女性的转折点”。

3. national outpouring of grief:举国哀悼(outpouring表示的程度极深),例如,“Indeed, despite a national outpouring of grief, the senseless attack aroused surprisingly few public demonstrations of wrath with the North.事实上,即使全韩国都发出了悲痛的声音,但这次毫无意义的袭击令人惊讶地没有挑动多少敌视朝鲜的韩国激进人士的怒火。”

4.set about doing:开始做某事,例如,“Tom had joined the company just a year before, at age 28, and he immediately set about getting noticed.汤姆一年前加入了公司,那时他28岁,他随后立刻受到了大家的关注。”

第八段:He has mostly succeeded. Few Britons now recoil at the prospect of King Charles III, even if he sometimes seems more a fuddy-duddy unclethan a national patriarch

参考译文:他大抵已经成功。 现在英国很少有人对查理三世继任国王感到抵触,即使他有时看起来更像是一个保守的叔叔而不是国家元老。


1. seem more A than B:看起来更像A,而不是B,例如,“He seems more a tramp than a poet. 他看起来更像流浪汉而不是诗人。”会比“look more like A than B”要高级。


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