
[考研资料] 【外刊精读】如何应对倦怠和抑郁(下)









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发表于 2022-10-17 10:35:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


What to do if you think you are burned out?

Taking a mental health day or a “sad day” off work, if you’re able to, can offer a reprieve from your symptoms. If you feel constantly burned out, you might want to consider a career change—which is easier said than done, Dr. Gold acknowledged. “Being able to say, ‘This is a bad workplace, that’s it, I quit,’ is a privilege beyond privilege,” she said. There are also smaller ways to set boundaries, like turning off notifications from your work email or Slack at certain hours. If there’s one meeting you consistently dread, try to block off five or 10 minutes right after to do something that can help you relax, Dr. Gold suggested. “Being able to have some control is a preventer from burnout,” she said.

You can also try to accentuate the elements of your job that you find meaningful. Maybe that means mentoring a more junior colleague, Dr. Gold said, or offering to hand off responsibilities you enjoy less to a co-worker in favor of helping them with a project you’re more interested in.

Exercise can help relieve work-related tension, as can carving out even a few minutes to decompress—without your phone, Dr. Bennett said. “If you sit on a computer for your job, and then you’re on your phone while you’re commuting, and then you come home and watch whatever Netflix series you’re into— all of that is stimulation,” she said. Your brain needs a break so that it can help buffer against stress—which means stepping away from screens, but also giving yourself a few moments of quiet, sitting with your thoughts, without distractions. If you are struggling to cope with burnout, consider speaking with a mental health professional.

What to do if you think you are depressed?

Reach out to a mental health provider, who can help develop a plan to treat and address your symptoms. In the meantime, start small and simple. If you tell yourself you’re going on a five-minute walk, you’ll probably end up walking for longer than that, Dr. Gold said. “But it’s hard when you’re exhausted and sad to make yourself do anything.” Getting out of the house won’t alleviate all our symptoms, but any kind of movement can help you feel a bit better, she said.

You can write down coping mechanisms that have been helpful for you— calling a friend, or going for a quick run— and keep the list on your desk or on your dresser for when you’ll need them. Pay attention to what works for you, Dr. Gold said. “If you don’t like mindfulness, don’t force it,” she said. “Do the things that actually help you feel better in the moments when you feel bad.”

第一段:What to do if you think you are burned out?

参考译文:如果你觉得自己倦怠了,该怎么办 ?

第二段:Taking a mental health day or a “sad day” off work, if you’re able to, can offer a reprieve from your symptoms. If you feel constantly burned out, you might want to consider a career change—which is easier said than done, Dr. Gold acknowledged. “Being able to say, ‘This is a bad workplace, that’s it, I quit,’ is a privilege beyond privilege,” she said. There are also smaller ways to set boundaries, like turning off notifications from your work email or Slack at certain hours. If there’s one meeting you consistently dread, try to block off five or 10 minutes right after to do something that can help you relax, Dr. Gold suggested. “Being able to have some control is a preventer from burnout,” she said.



1. offer a reprieve from:使缓解,“reprieve”有“死刑缓刑令;延缓;缓解”的意思。

2. be easier said than done:说起来容易做起来难,例如,“In a word, to be a good student is easier said than done, for it needs students' consistent efforts.总之一句话,为了成为一个好学生总是做得比说得难,因为它需要一个学生坚持不懈的努力。”

3. set boundaries:设定界限,例如,“

4. In the meantime, you'll have to set boundaries. Stop putting yourself in potentially explosive situations.与此同时,不要让自己的情绪受到影响,不要让自己也陷于一触即发的状态。”

5. dread:惧怕;恐怖;例如,“The possibility of encounter with him filled me with dread.可能遇到他这件事让我充满了恐惧。”

6.block off:封堵;堵住;封锁,例如,“If you block off the exit or keep it locked with key, they cannot get out of there .如果你把出路给堵掉或者锁住,他们从此被困在那。”

第三段:You can also try to accentuate the elements of your job that you find meaningful. Maybe that means mentoring a more junior colleague, Dr. Gold said, or offering to hand off responsibilities you enjoy less to a co-worker in favor of helping them with a project you’re more interested in.



1. accentuate:强调;着重;使突出,例如,“Her black hair accentuated the whiteness of her skin.她的更显出她皮肤的白皙。”

2. mentor:作名词表示“导师”,作动词表示“指导”,例如,“He was her friend and mentor until his death in 1915.直到1915年他去世为止,他一直是她良师益友。”

3. junior:资历较浅的, 地位较低的,其反义词是“senior”,例如,“We could give the job to somebody junior.我们可以把这份工作交给职位较低的。”

4.hand off responsibilities:交接/移交责任。

第四段:Exercise can help relieve work-related tension, as can carving out even a few minutes to decompress—without your phone, Dr. Bennett said. “If you sit on a computer for your job, and then you’re on your phone while you’re commuting, and then you come home and watch whatever Netflix series you’re into— all of that is stimulation,” she said. Your brain needs a break so that it can help buffer against stress—which means stepping away from screens, but also giving yourself a few moments of quiet, sitting with your thoughts, without distractions. If you are struggling to cope with burnout, consider speaking with a mental health professional.



1. work-related tension:由工作引发的紧张情绪。

2. decompress:减压,解压缩,“de-”是否定前缀,例如,“Michael sits for a minute to decompress before walking home.迈克坐了一会儿,待冷静下来后才走回家。”

3.buffer against:缓冲,例如,“India has traditionally viewed Nepal as a buffer against China, with which it lost a war in 1962.印度习惯性地认为尼泊尔是抵御中国的缓冲区,1962年它与中国的战争曾以失败告终。”

第五段:What to do if you think you are depressed?


第六段:Reach out to a mental health provider, who can help develop a plan to treat and address your symptoms. In the meantime, start small and simple. If you tell yourself you’re going on a five-minute walk, you’ll probably end up walking for longer than that, Dr. Gold said. “But it’s hard when you’re exhausted and sad to make yourself do anything.” Getting out of the house won’t alleviate all our symptoms, but any kind of movement can help you feel a bit better, she said.

参考译文:向心理健康提供者求助,他们可以帮助制定一个计划来治疗和解决你的症状。同时,要从简单的小事做起。如果你告诉自己要走五分钟的路,你最终可能会走得比这更长,戈尔德博士说。"但是当你筋疲力尽和悲伤的时候,很难让自己做任何事情。" 走出家门并不能缓解你的所有症状,但任何一种运动都可以帮助你感觉好一点,”她说。


1. Reach out to:伸出手(接触)、提供(帮助)、实现(梦想),例如,“

2. That real gifts come from the heart, reach out to the heart of another, and embrace them with the love of your soul.真正的礼物来自于心灵,抵达其他人的心灵,用你灵魂的爱拥抱他们。”

3.start small and simple:从简单的小事做好,是一个非常好用的表达,可用在写作中。

第七段:You can write down coping mechanisms that have been helpful for you— calling a friend, or going for a quick run— and keep the list on your desk or on your dresser for when you’ll need them. Pay attention to what works for you, Dr. Gold said. “If you don’t like mindfulness, don’t force it,” she said. “Do the things that actually help you feel better in the moments when you feel bad.”



1. coping mechanism:应对机制,解决措施,例如,“It also serves as a coping mechanism in the face of incomprehension.面对不理解时,这也是一种应对机制。”

2.what works for you:适合你的,对你起作用的,例如,“Keep in mind that every one is a bit different and what works for you may not work for you teammate or training partner.记住,人与人都是不一样的,适合你的未必适合你的队友或一起训练的伙伴。”


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