
[考研资料] 【外刊精读】美国限制流浪汉?!









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发表于 2023-2-13 10:37:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 前程校翻硕 于 2023-2-13 10:54 编辑

Homeless camps illegal in US statesMoreunsheltered people in the United States are living in tents or sleeping on the streets as states and municipalities tighten rules to make homeless camps illegal. At least 100 jurisdictions have lawsrestricting unhoused people camping in public spaces, according to the National Homelessness Law Center. California, Florida, New Hampshire and Texas haveimposed blanket statewide camping bans.A rising number of municipalities have approved statutes criminalizing homelessnessdespite the inadequate affordable housing options, made worse by the pandemic-related surge ininflation. Such measures are needed to protect public safety and todiscourage homeless peoplefrom living in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, city officials said. However, experts are concerned that the laws do not havethe desired effect.Figures suggest that these measures arecostly in terms of public dollars and do not fundamentallytackle the problem of homelessness, he said. For example, between 2010 and 2014 criminalizing homelessness cost Colorado taxpayers $3.23 million, according to a study by researchers at the University of Denver.Driven by the dearth of affordable housing compounded by rising living costs, the rate of homelessness across the country has continued to rise. According to federal figures, 582,462 people were experiencing homelessness in January last year. The crisis hasprompted more states and municipalities toenact ordinances to ban people from sleeping in public areas as a way of resolving the http://issue.In Missouri, from Jan 1 anyone sleeping in places such as public parks or under bridges is liable to receive a citation for amisdemeanor. "It focuses ondiverting existing resources to programs which actually work and holding those programs accountable by comparing results," Bruce DeGroot, a former House of Missouri member, said on the day the bill was signed into law, St. Louis Public Radio reported.Victor Regnier, a professor of architecture and gerontology at the University of Southern California, said the Portland policy "makes sense to me". It creates places foremergency shelter that are adequate and develops an aggressive plan to build affordable housing, he said."The homeless population in California (and elsewhere) is a difficult population to reach because many havechemical dependency problems (drugs and alcohol) that aresevere and oftenlock theminto that situation." "Locking up people because they have no place to go is both cruel andcounterproductive."
第一段:More unsheltered people in the United States are living in tents or sleeping on the streets as states and municipalities tighten rules to make homeless camps illegal. At least 100 jurisdictions have laws restricting unhoused people camping in public spaces, according to the National Homelessness Law Center. California, Florida, New Hampshire and Texas have imposed blanket statewide camping bans.



1.Unsheltered:未遮盖的;没有遮蔽的;未覆盖的,例如,“She bore the heats of summer, the night dews and the rains, unsheltered and alone.她忍受著夏天的暑溽、夜晚的露珠和雨水,毫无遮蔽且孤独一人。”“露天”则可以表示为“unsheltered area”。常见的替换有如下:exposed :例如,“The more one tries to hide , the more is exposed.欲盖弥彰。”Unshielded:例如,“Although some unshielded satellites would survive, their useful life spans would be shortened dramatically.即使某些无屏蔽保护的人造卫星有可能幸存,使用年限也将大幅缩短。

2.Restrict:限制;限定;约束,例如,“The use of this kind of drug is restricted in many countries.许多国家禁止使用这种药品。”要注意这几个词的使用区别:restrict:指把某人或物限制在一定范围之内。limit:一般指事先确定空间、时间或数量的极限,一旦超越限度,就会造成不良结果。confine:侧重施加不可逾越的限制,有时暗示束缚、囚禁,例如,“The wild animals are confined in small cages in the zoo.野生动物关在动物园的小笼子里。”imprison:较正式用词,多指较长时间的监禁,例如,“You can imprison my body but not my mind.你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的心灵”

3.impose:强加、征税,常见的表达为“impose on施加影响于”,例如,“He imposed his presence on us for the weekend .他硬要跟我们一起过周末。”要注意这几个词的使用区别:Impose:指在定个别案件中的处罚或罚款,尤指收某种税收的定,例如,“impose a fine 处以罚款”。tax:指用各种不同方法向个人或单位收所得税、房地产税等各种税款。侧重实际收金钱。assess:指一般情况下,征收房地产税、罚款或其它费用。
第二段:A rising number of municipalities have approved statutes criminalizing homelessness despite the inadequate affordable housing options, made worse by the pandemic-related surge in inflation. Such measures are needed to protect public safety and to discourage homeless people from living in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, city officials said. However, experts are concerned that the laws do not have the desired effect.



1.despite: 尽管;即使,例如,“He keeps his temper despite the provocation .他虽被挑激,但仍忍住怒气。”常见的表达有:in despite of:尽管;不管,例如,“We shall be victorious in despite of difficulties.不管有什么困难,我们一定会胜利。”despite all that:尽管如此,例如,“Yet despite all that, developing good listening skills continues to be a challenge for some people.然而,尽管如此,培养良好的倾听能力对某些人来说依旧是一个挑战。”要注意这几个词的使用区别:Despite:指不受某事或某种原因的阻碍,语气轻于in spite of。in spite of:在这些词中语气最强,例如,“In spite of careful checking there are still omissions. 尽管这么细心核对,还是有遗漏。”notwithstanding:语气最弱,仅表示一种障碍的存在,例如,“Notwithstanding all his efforts, he did not reach his goal.尽管他尽了所有力量,他仍未达到目标。”要注意:lSpite本身表示“恶意;怨恨;不顾”的意思,常见的表达为“have a spite against sb”,意为“对某人怀恨在心”,相当于“have a grudge against sb ”。lin spite of yourself表示“不知不觉的,不由自主的”,例如,“She flushed, though, in spite of herself .不过,她却不由地脸红了。”

2.Inflation:通货膨胀,例如,“Inflation was the greatest scourge of society.通货膨胀是社会上的最大祸害”lDeflation:通货紧缩,例如,“Deflation and financial distress stifled growth.通货紧缩和金融困境遏制了增长。”

3.discourage from:劝阻;阻止,例如,“Teenagers should be discouraged from consuming drinks with a lot of caffeine in them , an expert from the Australia nutrition foundation said.澳大利亚营养基金会的一位专家说,青少年不宜饮用含有大量咖啡因的饮料。”the desired effect:预期效应,也可以用“the expected effect”,“满足某人的预期”就可以表达为“live up to (one’s) expectation”,例如,“Eager to live up to expectations , the government is determined to make the event a huge success. 政府决心要不负众望,一定将这次盛会办得圆满成功。”
第三段:Figures suggest that these measures are costly in terms of public dollars and do not fundamentally tackle the problem of homelessness, he said. For example, between 2010 and 2014 criminalizing homelessness cost Colorado taxpayers $3.23 million, according to a study by researchers at the University of Denver.



1.costly:花钱多的;昂贵的;价钱高的,例如,“They bribed him with costly presents.他们用贵重的礼物贿赂他。”Costly还暗含有“代价高的、成本高的”的意思,例如,“a costly victory 代价高的胜利”。

2.tackle the problem:解决问题,同义转换还有如下:solve a problemaddress a problemhandle a problemdeal with a problemsettle a problem
第四段:Driven by the dearth of affordable housing compounded by rising living costs, the rate of homelessness across the country has continued to rise. According to federal figures, 582,462 people were
experiencing homelessness in January last year. The crisis has prompted more states and municipalities to enact ordinances to ban people from sleeping in public areas as a way of resolving the issue.



1.Driven by:受……驱使,例如,“A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything.嫉妒心可使人什么都做得出来。”

2.Enact:制定(法律);颁布;规定,例如,“The first code of criminal procedure was enacted in 1861 .第一部刑事诉讼法典是在1861年颁布的。”其同义表达为:Enforcement:例如,“Antitrust enforcement tends to lessen certain very high entry barriers.实施反托拉斯法就是为了削减某些过高的加入障碍。”
第五段:In Missouri, from Jan 1 anyone sleeping in places such as public parks or under bridges is liable to receive a citation for a misdemeanor. "It focuses on diverting existing resources to programs which actually work and holding those programs accountable by comparing results," Bruce DeGroot, a former House of Missouri member, said on the day the bill was signed into law, St. Louis Public Radio reported.


知识点解读:1.be liable for:承担责任,例如,“He is liable for the fault of his son.他应该为他儿子的过失负责。”2.其同义替换有:Assume/take/shoulder the responsibility3.Misdemeanor: 恶劣的品行;坏事;【法】轻罪,例如,“Bail in misdemeanors is of right. 根据法律,轻罪可以要求保释。”4.Divert:使转向,使转换,常见的表达有“divert attention分散注意力”和“divert from…… to……转移”。同词根扩展:Convert:指进行改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变,例如,“She was converted to Christianity .她已皈依基督教。”
第六段:Victor Regnier, a professor of architecture and gerontology at the University of Southern California, said the Portland policy "makes sense to me". It creates places for emergency shelter that are adequate and develops an aggressive plan to build affordable housing, he said.

参考译文:南加州大学建筑和老年学教授维克多·雷尼尔说,波特兰的政策 "对我来说是合理的"。他说,这个政策创造了足够的紧急避难场所,并制定了一个积极计划来建设可负担得起的住房。


1.makes sense:说得有道理,例如,“Everything suddenly made sense. 刹那间每件事情都有意义了。”其反义词是“make nonsense”,一样的用法。emergency shelter:紧急避难所,例如,“The structure was a designated emergency shelter. 建筑的结构被设计成一个紧急避难所。”
第七段:"The homeless population in California (and elsewhere) is a difficult population to reach because many have chemical dependency problems (drugs and alcohol) that are severe and often lock them into that situation." "Locking up people because they have no place to go is both cruel and counterproductive."

参考译文:"加州(和其他地方)的流浪者是一个很棘手的群体,许多人有严重的化学依赖问题(毒品和酒精),使他们始终困于这种情况。" "因为人们没有地方可去而把他们关起来,既残酷又适得其反。"


1.chemical dependency problems:吸毒的委婉表达,相当于“drug taking/addition”

2.severe:严肃的,严重的,例如,“He is suffering from severe mental disorder .他患有严重的精神病。”大家要注意区分以下几个词:learnest 指严肃,认真,含诚恳和热情意味。lserious 指具有关键、严肃或严重意义的事
情。lgrave 侧重严肃和尊严,需要认真思考,含令人担忧意味。lsevere 指面孔的严肃,法律的严厉,伤病的严重。lsolemn 指人表情或场景气氛严肃,侧重威名印象深刻。lsober 侧重因抑制自己的感情而表现出的庄重。

3.lock into:受困于,例如,“He had thought that being locked into a cage would send him mad.他曾以为经关入樊笼,自己一定会发疯的”

4.lock up:上锁、锁好、锁住,例如,“The files are locked up and I can not get at them. 卷宗锁起来了,我无法取出。”


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